Urban Sprawl and the impact on Ellenbrook
As Perth is pushed to the limits by our growing population, the suburb of Ellenbrook is bracing for impact.

Property Wizards Director, Trevor Dunkley, was interviewed by Heidi Davoren for the May 2014 issue of API Magazine’s feature on Perth’s urban sprawl. Read some highlights from the interview below, and pick up API Magazine to get the complete picture.

What does the future hold for the property market in Ellenbrook; given its distance from the CBD, could it become a satellite city?

There’s no doubt that Ellenbrook could be destined for satellite status, you only have to look at its growth and the way it’s evolving into a self-sufficient region. This has all resulted from Perth’s urban sprawl north.

However, while Ellenbook’s location is comparable to Joondalup or Cockburn Central in terms of its distance from Perth CBD, questions about the ongoing potential of the suburb are raised by its isolation from neighbouring suburbs and lack of transport infrastructure.

As Ellenbrook is a result of urban sprawl, how might the suburb counteract/address this?

Transport infrastructure still needs much improvement. The WA Government has knocked back a rail extension and bus rapid transit service, but as the population continues to grow it’s very likely that the government will readdress the issue.

A new secondary school has been slated for Ellenbrook North; the next step could be a good health hub or hospital. More new infrastructure and employers to the area mean more jobs, and jobs are crucial for areas like this to take off and see long-term demand.

Could you describe the mix of housing stock available?

Ellenbrook’s housing options typically range from four-bedroom houses on 640sqm, to three-bedroom houses on 400sqm, to two-bedroom retirement villas. Also existing are many homes being offered on an 80%-20% shared arrangement with the WA department of housing.

What is Ellenbrook’s major strength?

The combination of the north and western borders of the state forest park limiting further development, the growing town centre and infrastructure and the relatively lower prices, along with still being a reasonable distance from Perth at 20km from the CBD, are the driving factors that have helped Ellenbrook’s success. How much further this success will continue, given the isolation from Perth’s closer suburbs, is uncertain.

For further analysis of the suburb of Ellenbrook, including which areas might yield the best capital growth and which areas to avoid, read the May 2014 issue of API Magazine or visit our Media Page.

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